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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Baby steps

Today was not the greatest day. Scott and I are constantly reminded that this whole process is 2 steps forward, one step back. Addie had 3 SVT's (Supraventricular tachycardia)from 1-3am last night. Her heart rate didn't get as high as it has been before during these but it was still just as scary. In rounds this morning, they talked about trying to extubate her, pulling out her other chest tube, and getting her pain medicines pretty much completely off. After rounds, Addie had 3 more SVT episodes. So then it was decided that today would essentially be a day of rest for Addie. The doctors decided that they needed to get her SVT's under control before they extubated her. The victory for the day was that she got her other chest tube out and she stayed stable this afternoon. The step back was obviously the recurring SVT's. So our little fighter didn't overachieve today, but she did achieve so we will take that. We are focusing on the small victories, and trying not to let the steps back get us down. Tomorrow is another day and we know she is working hard.


  1. Praying for you all and your sweet girl. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you all and send up a prayer. You have an amazing family and an amazing faith and strength. Stand strong. Be strong Addie!

  2. Camille and Scott- so proud of you guys and Addie. What a little fighter! Sending prayers that tomorrow is an easier day for all of you. Let us know if you need anything!

  3. Sending up prayers for all of you. In awe of the strength and spirit wrapped up in that precious baby girl!
